Social Distortion Playing in Sayreville, New Jersey in 2009
Social Distortion’s first full length CD since 2004’s “Sex, Love and Rock and Roll” is due out next month. This video features a single off that CD called “I Wasn’t Born To Follow” featuring Social Distortion footage gathered from documentary’s of the band over their 30+ years.
Supposedly an acoustic CD is coming out soon thereafter. Social Distortion puts out new material at a pretty slow pace compared to the rest of the music industry (7 CDs in 30 years), but then again, most artists don’t have 30+ year careers.
Do you really think we’ll even know a thing about Lady Gaga in 2040? As for me, I don’t really want to think about where I’ll be in 30 years, hopefully, still rocking out to Social Distortion & celebrating my honeymoon of my 1st marriage (I should be ready by then I guess) at some beach in an exotic locale. But alas I don’t like to plan that far ahead.
I do know I’ll be there on November 4th, when Social Distortion visits NYC’s Roseland Ballroom. Hey, on 2nd thought maybe I do plan ahead?