We interrupt our regularly scheduled coverage of the worldwide punk scene for a little shameless self promotion (and free music for you!).
When our good friend and event promoter extraordinaire, Amylulita (check her kick ass Nacotheque events if you live in NYC), suggested to the fine folks at Remezcla.com that they do a profile on Punk Outlaw Records, I was a bit hesitant for two reasons.
1) We’re a very FLEDGELING punk music label – Punk music isn’t supposed to court promotion right?
2) Were a very FLEDGLING punk music label – Fledgeling, meaning we’re just getting started. What’s to write about?
Then they suggested that we put together a compilation of music for free download from our travels while shooting the documentary “Punktology” and things started to click.
We’ve heard some pretty damn cool punk music over the past couple of years. From Russia to Trinidad to Cuba to all over Latin America, we’ve seen bands working hard, sometimes with sub par equipment and usually no recording budget, doing whatever it takes to get their music out there; to get their message across in whatever DIY way they know how.
I felt we could put a compilation together of at least a small sample of some of this music for people in North America, Europe and other spots across the globe to see how it’s done when it’s done for the pure love of music under sometimes really tough circumstances.
So that’s what we did and the result is a nice little music download called El Mix, Volume 6 “Dead or Alive” . Its sort of digital mixed tape if you will of all kinds of punk music, from straight up melodic punk to rockabilly and surf.
I think the mix is good of course, but it’s punk too, not just because of the musical genres and certainly not because it’s all encompassing or representative of all types of music we have heard over the years (11 songs can’t possibly do that justice).
But on our mix are some old songs, so old they were recorded with old analog equipment and a new song, so new it hasn’t even been completely mixed down yet and everything in between.
Isn’t that what punk music is about? Not waiting til everything is pitch perfect like in the god awful pop music business. But letting the sound escape when it’s still raw and in the works and recorded under whatever conditions you can muster… while the feeling is fresh, not manufactured? That’s punk!
And as I said, I think it’s all good stuff. But you be the judge.. Oh and did I mention it’s free? That’s pretty punk too, so help yourselves to 11 tunes of the following 9 artists.
1) Rudos Wild – Our punkabilly buddies from Uruguay. They provided two hardcharging little ditties that will make your hair stand on end. You can download more of their music on i-tunes HERE!
2) Los Suziox – Our really good punk pals from Medellin, Colombia. Probably the most talented punk band you’ve never heard of. They provided two songs from their past archives that I love. You can download more of their music on i-tunes HERE!
3) Demter (DMTR) – Straight from Quito, Ecuador with a kick ass song I fell in love with very first time I heard it.
4) Freddie and the Drillers – Our surf buddies from St. Petersburg, Russia with a ditty that is technically Spanish as it’s only lyrics are “La curva Peligrosa!” (Dangerous Curves). Love it!
5) Anti-Everything – the ONLY punk band from Trinidad & Tobago and they happen to be very, very good. They also have a new CD coming out soon.
6) Nueve Once – another punk band from Medellin, Colombia, this one holding down the skate-pop punk scene. They have over 30 tunes in the can!
7) Dorados Rockabilly Trio – Our first rockabilly band and one of the few in all of Colombia! Their first CD is coming out soon!
8 ) Lokekeda – Also our pals from Medellin, with an addictive song “Espinas Asesinas”. Give it a listen!
9) Los Ultraman – A really solid surf band from Uruguay who, by the way, have a killer new CD on the way and are hoping to get someone in the U.S. to help them do a vinyl version.
Thanks to all these artist who participated. If you like what you hear, then be sure and visit their websites (just click their names to be taken to their respective sites).
I’d also like to thank Isabela from Remezcla.com for putting it all together.
And you dear viewer/reader/listener/punk fanatic. We hope you’ll enjoy these FREE 11 tunes from 9 artists from all over the globe (well at least Latin America, the Caribbean and Russia).
There’s a plethora of music out there these days, a lot of it free.. but good punk music, well that’s another horse of a different color all together. Enjoy!