Who says NYC punk is dead? That there is only a hardcore scene? This band, the Drunken Sufis, struck me as interesting when they shot over an email asking me to plug their residency this month (1st 3 Tuesdays of December) Cake Shop in the Lower East Side.
To give you an idea of what you can expect, here is a you tube video of a song called “Panopticon360” . As you’ll see this is no short, sweet and to the point punk music, these are long and adventurous songs that remind me a bit of Avenged Sevenfold or Mars Volta. But what the hell do I know about those bands? Not much, to be honest. If you’re in NYC (I’m not anymore) then go check them out for yourself and let us know what YOU think.
First 3 Tuesdays in December (December 6, 13th and 20th) @ 9:30 pm
Cake Shop: 152 Ludlow Street, New York, NY, USA