So this weekend I made my way East (Living in Santa Monica, I can’t go much further west), to the Irwindale Speedway to take in the big Mooneyes Car and Music Festival. It’s an annual X-mas event that’s been around for quiet sometime but it was my first. And what better way to get into the spirit of the season than some vintage hot-rods, hot pinup & rockabilly girls, hot rockabilly and surf music and some even hotter weather? Now that is my kind of Xmas celebration.
The cars were the main draw. There were all kinds of hot-rods from the 1920s all the way to the 1960s and beyond. If your a muscle car buff this is your show and/or if your a rockabilly or psychobilly enthusiast, this is your show.
If not for the cars, you might mistakenly think this was a tattoo convention. I think myself and maybe one old lady were the only folks not tatted up Mike Ness style.
But overall Mooneyes is a family event. I mean they do sell beer, have drag races and host some pretty good rockabilly and surf music, with vendors from all over the rockabilly planet but in many cases the whole family was in tow, some kids towed along in some customized strollers! Kids with mohawks and all tatted up (ok, no tattoos on the kiddies that I actually saw but plenty of mo and faux hawks).
Mooneyes is like many of the other events and get togethers on the west coast where punks mix in seamlessly with psychobilly psychos and rockabilly fanatics.
Lets see, you’ve got your
– Betty Page and Marilyn Monroe lookalikes – Check!
– Surf and Rockabilly Music – Check.
– More tattoos per square inch than you can count – double check,
– Customized Hot Rods – triple check
– Mom and pop vendors and artists plying their wares – check..
– People drinking beer and in general haveing a good time and looking pretty cool – check, check and check.
Yep, I’m on the west coast of the U.S. of A, the home of psychobilly and rockabilly subcultures and it feels great. Feliz Navidad yall!
Enjoy the pics and the video from this cool little rockabilly band!