So I’m on the road in the great Northeast where snow is causing havoc and causing me to the reconsider my wardrobe. Luckily, by the time I arrived to Philadelphia rain had dissipated the snow and it was mid 40s. Now I’m heading to Boston and I have a feeling I won’t be so lucky. That place got pounded.
I don’t know much about Philadelphia, previously having only visited for the day, typically taking a train or renting a car and driving from NYC. But this time, I stayed overnight in downtown Philadelphia near Chinatown and got a better feel for the U.S.’s 4th largest city.
Philadelphia, as you might expect of a historic American city, has a long and historic history with punk rock and hardcore. You can read more about that HERE.
But yesterday, while perusing their weekly Philadelphia City Paper I noticed front and center on the cover was a punk band Pissed Jeans. Now when is the last time your free weekly featured a punk band on the cover? I don’t know much about Pissed Jeans other than what I read and then researched at their label “Sub Pop Records” here.
But what I read and heard, I liked and thought you might like it too.
Check out City Paper’s article on the band here.