QUITO, ECUADOR – DMTR or Demeter is featured in our 1st episode of Raw Travel coming this October to TV screens in the U.S. and later on TV screens all over the world.
We featured their anti-war song “Sin Balas, Sin Fronteras” (No Bullets, No Borders) on the show along with an interview with the guys.
I’m featuring their original video from “Sin Balas, Sin Frontera” as well as a promo from “Raw Travel” episode which features them.
And also, here is the flip or “B Side” song “Se Caera el Cielo” (Heaven Will Fall) they performed live for our cameras as recorded by the lead singer’s girlfriend. Hey, I need a 2nd cameraman.. excuse me, camera-person for Raw Travel! any takers?
Like what you hear? get DMTR’s song “Sin Balas, Sin Fronteras” or “Mentira” (Liar) on the CD “Punktology Vol. 1 – Free Cuba Now” HERE.