I’m heading to the land of grunge with a 3 day trip to Portland/Seattle and yes, I’m taking the camera… so stay tuned. Word is there is still a pretty damned healthy punk scene still kicking around those parts. We hope to find out.
In the meantime, we’ll see you at our buddies at Torino Lounge down in Paramount, just next door to Compton so maybe Ice-T will show up! He’s part Irish right?
If that doesn’t float your boat well the Adicts are in town so here are some other things going on the city of Angels this weekend and beyond courtesy of PunkRockers.com
Punk Shows in SO CALI
THIS SUNDAY March 17th the Adicts at the House of Blues of Anaheim!
Here are some amazing ALL AGES shows coming up at the VEX in Los Angeles THE VEX 5240 Alhambra Ave April 18, One Way System , The Briggs, DI. 13$, July 14 Black Flag June 8, Full 8 FEST. Dickies , Agent Orange , Narcoleptic Youth, Evacuate , 8kalacas , Red Store Bums, South Central Skankers, Nino Zombie
Generally, I’m not a St. Patrick’s Day guy. Drunken idiots roaming the streets of NYC cured me of that long ago. Any travelers ever notice how the U.S. seems to infect each culture or ethnic group with that falling down du