You may have blinked and missed an article I wrote on the Russian Punk & underground Music Scene back in 2010 when I went to Moscow & St. Petersburg for 8 days. It was one of my most amazing trips ever and turned me on to one of my favorite bands to this day, Tarakany! (Cockroach).
During the course of that trip, I missed an opportunity to meet Vladimir Kozlov, a Russian journalist with deep punk rock interest. After returning to the states, Vladimir was kind enough to do a Q&A with me and if you missed it you can read his Q&A HERE.
“Traces in the Snow” (teaser) from Vladimir Kozlov on Vimeo.
Vladimir is now raising funds to produce a documentary “Traces in the Snow” about Siberian Punk music. Given Siberia’s political history (where political prisoners were sent to live), East vs. West rhetoric going on today and just the unusual nature of punk music in a former communist territory would be completely fascinating.
Vlad is raising funds on Indigogo and we wanted to support his efforts by re-posting here. If you have $5, $10 or more to support Vlad’s efforts, I’m sure he’d not only appreciate it but you’d have an even better time watching the flick when it comes out.
More info on the fundraising effort below and you can view the trailer to the film above: