I spent a month in Lima, Peru in 2011, just before returning to the US after almost a year living abroad. I was able to spend a lot of time with some of the punks in Lima including El Terrible Y Los Mongoloids, Voz Propia, and the legendary Pancho Guevara from the band “Los Saicos” who some credit with being the actual, very first punk band in the world. I wrote an article about it for “Remezcla” magazine which you can access here.
Pancho has since died, but his legacy lives on of course. I’m returning to Lima next week and thought I’d link to some of those articles for those who missed it.
- Lima Peru: A Plethora of Punk Music
- El Terrible Y Los Mongoloids:
- Narcosis Interview – You Tube
- Los Lemmings Performance – You Tube
- Lo Que Ro Performance – You Tube
- Voz Propia – Rehearsal You Tube
I’ll be filming for my TV show Raw Travel TV and hope to revisit Lince and the famous plaque as well as interviewing another famous band “Aeropajitas”.
Check out the articles and videos from 2011 and below Aeropajitas’ performance on Peruvian TV below and look for updates from us as we re-visit the still very “Fuerte” rock-n-roll music scene in Lima. Can’t wait!