NEW MUSIC POLAND – Brains All Gone
Remember these cool ladies from Brains All Gone in Krakow, Poland.. well they’ve hit the big time and here is their latest single… March of Youth.. Gotta love that Eastern European punk attitude.
Remember these cool ladies from Brains All Gone in Krakow, Poland.. well they’ve hit the big time and here is their latest single… March of Youth.. Gotta love that Eastern European punk attitude.
Bonjur! Check out this exclusive interview with Thomas (Drummer) from Paris, France’s legendary “Burning Heads”. Burning Heads was on the Epitaph label and has actually toured the U.S. and have been around since the 1980s and still going strong. Thomas discusses the French punk scene, why the French seem to protest so much and about […]
Hard to believe that not that long ago I was in Paris, France… the city of love and it might be said, “of a not ridiculously small punk scene”, at least by today’s standards (though I admit that slogan probably won’t fit on a t-shirt or hat). In fact, I was pretty impressed by the […]
MADRID SPAIN: Back! Back in the U.S. on the east coast where I forced myself to stay up almost 24 hours straight and go to bed at 12 midnight NYC time. Big mistake. Now I’m up before the sun at 5AM or 1PM Spain/France time, so that is like sleeping in, except the math doesn’t […]
Following up on the previous post, I promised some video of these guys so hear (get it?) goes. Remember to hit these guys up on their facebook page and what not. Stay tuned for more bands and coverage from the French punk scene muy pronto (I’m in Spain now, so I can speak Spanglish […]
MOSCOW, RUSSIA: Lets kick off our Russian trip coverage! Disoriented, sleep deprived and confused. This describes how I felt when I woke up my 1st morning in Moscow. The day before, Dima, lead singer and one of the original members of the long running punk band (17 years) “Tarakany!” (Cockroach!), had arranged for me to […]