It’s finally here… Social Distortion’s “Hard Times and Nursery Rhymes” is out today and early reviews are positive.
I just downloaded and yes I purchased it nice and legal like off of I-Tunes even though I had ample opportunity to grab one for free days ago (and turn all you guys on to it as well).
I wonder if the fine folks at Social D.’s management ever keep that shit in mind when granting interviews instead of “respectfully declining” all the time?
Anyway, the principle here is I want to support as I always have and am hoping there are a couple of hidden gems on this CD as there have been in the past.
Once I give a good listen I’ll let you know. In the meantime, if your in the U.S. (I’m not!) and can catch it, Social D. will be on Conan tonight. That’s on TBS I think. Google it or something, I just know its not NBC. As for me, I’ll catch it on You Tube in a day or so!