So we’ve been in Argentina/Uruguay almost 3 weeks and it’s been a little hectic to say the least. I’ve hardly had time to sleep, much less update you guys on things, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been rocking.
As posted (see previous post), we enjoyed a great show with our amigos Rudos Wild in Montevideo, Uruguay and we’ll have some video of that show up just as soon as I get near a decent internet connection.
In Buenos Aires, it’s been damn cool as well.
As you may or may not know, I was in Buenos Aires for 3 weeks last February 2010, when I was robbed by a fake taxi driver and lost most of my valuables including laptop, passport and most importantly my cameras which had all my footage on it. (Click HERE to review that archive post)
My first couple of days in BA this trip, I revisited the scene of the crime just to exorcise some ghosts and in some lame hope I’d see the shady, fake ass taxi driver fuck who stole my shit. What would I have done had I actually seen him? Not sure, but it would have been cool to find out.
Anyway, I’m not hung up on it, that was a year ago and a lifetime away. My insurance paid for my valuables, I learned a good lesson and to be honest with you, other than the severe inconvenience at the time, I’d be cool with the whole thing with one exception… the lost footage! That stuff was irreplaceable and included some nice little nuggets like a rehearsal and a backstage interview with BA homeboys “Dos Minutos”. Click HERE to see that archive post.
But since I’m back down this way, I figured I may as well visit my buddies I made last time out so we swung by Mundo Bizarro where our guy “Pinata” came down to see us and mix us a martini despite being under the weather.
Mundo Bizarro is one of my favorite hangs in Buenos Aires and it always has a cast of characters hanging out, some rockabilly and some just regular folk. If you go to BA, you gotta check out Mundo Bizarro and be sure and tell Pinata Punk Outlaw sent you.
Another place you should see if in BA is the famous “Salon Pueyrredon”. We dropped by there on a Friday night to see the owner “Batra” and the gang and the place was packed.
There was a ska and surf band playing live for the crowd and I ran into some cool rockabilly artistas, “Evangilina” and “Romina” who had designed some of the artwork hanging in the venue. They were cool enough to pose for pics and allow us to get some close ups of their kick ass tattoos.
We also dropped by Galeria Bond Street and I found a great little clothing shop there called “Faith” with all original designs by the owner Sebastian, a cool rockabilly/punk cat. Sebastian is not only very cool, he’s very, very talented and I hope to get a video interview we had with him up on here soon.
I bought a couple of his pieces and hope I can get by there again before I head home as I absolutely love his designs.
Galeria Bond Street is also a must stop where you can get all tatted and pierced up if you like, buy some cool music or cool clothes. If you do get by, do check out Faith. I’m not kidding, that shit is sick and 10x better than anything I’ve found in the States (at a fraction of the price too).
OK well I’m still here for a while long and I’m still doing work so hopefully I’ll have more to report soon.
In the meantime enjoy the pics and if your in Buenos Aires, enjoy the rest of the holiday!
Drop dead 1000% complete Perfection all the way!!!!!!
You’re Supreme! You’re the Absolute Best!
Thank you!