If you live in the U.S. and are sick of turkey and way too early Xmas commercials encouraging you to consume, consume, consume… then tune into Raw Travel this weekend 11/30 & 12/1.
We are featuring our buddies from Quito, Ecuador Demeter or DMTR for short.

Demeter – DMTR (Ecuador)
Yes, it’s a re-run, but if you didn’t see the first episode (and I know a lot of you didn’t) then it’s still brand new to you. If you live in the U.S. find out where you can watch here.
If you don’t live in the U.S. I promise, it’s coming to a channel near you very soon. Patience my friends. And if you don’t care.. well that’s cool too. It takes all time and we try to be a tolerant bunch.
Here is a little video reminder about DMTR and why I dig them so much.
Oh and here is what else you can expect to see on the show.
Hope you dig it.
Hey there,
I went to high school in Ecuador with Demeter’s drummer Andres Ramon. To this day he’s one of my closest Ecuadorian friends. Anyway, I was just checking up on their FB page and decided to see what they were up to and ran across this here posting of yours. Since your writing suggests that you’re probably a gringo I was just curious how you heard about them and how you became interested in the whole Quito music scene in general.
Hey, I think we were doing an episode of Raw Travel, my travel show, and I just googled some bands and listened to a bunch and really liked DMTR. Ecuador is great for hardcore but I prefer the more melodic sounds of DMTR. Love their sound. Hope that helps man.