If you’ve been following us, you know all about our experience in Cuba interviewing the punks there.
You probably also know about our attempt to help raise awareness about their situation with “Punktology vol. 1 – Free Cuba Now” CD compilation.
And if you know about those things you know about Cuba Skate, a not for profit giving Cuban youth much needed hope through something as simple as skateboarding.
And you know about the documentary film Cuba Skate is fundraising on Kickstarter to raise $8,000 to help make their documentary film? ah ha! Got ya! You couldn’t know about that because I have never written about that before until now because it’s a new project Mr/Ms. Know It All!
That’s OK. We’ll forgive you IF you donate HERE, even as little as $1 to help these guys raise money for their film. We’ve donated $100 from Punk Outlaw Records partly because we’re good guys, partly because I want to see this film made and partly due to guilt (I promised to contribute 10% of sales from the Punktology CD and our sales, while still growing, never quite made it to the minimum we needed. So now, problem solved.
Forget the fact that I’m strapped for funds to produce my own project “Raw Travel”, (no, I don’t want your money…yet, still trying the commercial route), a deal is a deal and $100 ain’t going to change that project one way or another.
So if you have a $1, or $5 or $10 or $20 or more to spare, I think these guys are worth it. There are a million causes screaming for your $, I know… and you should choose carefully and pick something near and dear to your heart, but if you decide to go this route, I think it’s money put to good use.
Thanks for the heads up, I just made a donation. I hope it gets made. People need to see the real faces of Cuba.; They personify the true meaning of endurance & perseverance.
you are cool.. that’s awesome.