Raw Travel’s “My Summer in Ukraine” Documentary Streaming Now
In the summer of 2023, Raw Travel producer and host Robert G. Rose embarks on a poignant and inspiring journey to Ukraine.
In the summer of 2023, Raw Travel producer and host Robert G. Rose embarks on a poignant and inspiring journey to Ukraine.
Our pals from South Africa “Half Price” have been around for a while and they’re making a brand new documentary called “Still Playing Punk”, just like the name of my favorite song from them (give it a listen HERE). I was interviewed by the filmmakers (via skype) a few weeks ago and they are […]
I’ve spent a lot of time in Colombia and let me tell you the punk scene there is Fuerte (Strong)! You don’t have to understand Spanish to understand that. Here is a trailer for a new documentary “Los Nadie” (The One) coming out soon. Enjoy!
Word is that everyday Russians have forgotten about Pussy Riot, that they don’t care what happens to them. Russia is a big place and they may not be freaking out about the lack of freedom of expression the way some in the U.S. are… but I’ll say this, Freedom of Speech & Expression is the […]
If you’ve been following us, you know all about our experience in Cuba interviewing the punks there. You probably also know about our attempt to help raise awareness about their situation with “Punktology vol. 1 – Free Cuba Now” CD compilation. And if you know about those things you know about Cuba Skate, a not […]
Christian Hardcore? Yes, it exist. Don’t believe it? Then check this film from Canada coming out next month called ChristCORE. Religion and punk… how do you feel about that? Here is the info on the film from the publicist. ChristCORE is an inside look at the explosive subculture of Christian hardcore music that is surging […]
Over the years I’ve been in touch with a punks in Indonesia, which is reportedly very robust. And why not, it has all the ingredients I’ve seen in other 3rd world countries I’ve visited, like a severe problem with poverty, corrupt government officials and an angry/fed up group among the populace looking for alternative lifestyle. […]
WHAT IS PUNKTOLOGY? What is “Punktology”? It is my attempt to produce a video documentary and accompanying blog that helps punks from all over the world tell their story about the influence and philosophy of punk music in their lives, their culture and their society. WHO AM I? Who am I? My name is Robert […]
I grew up in an overly religious setting, very strict, and of course rebelled at the first chance I could and was arrested twice for minor offenses (drinking under age, a hit and run where, thankfully, no one was hurt) before the age of 22. I was more young and dumb than big and bad […]
The End Of Poverty? from Philippe Diaz on Vimeo. With so much wealth in the world why is there still so much poverty? good point! its not an accident unfortunately.Check it out.
So I’m all amped for the big Youth Brigade/Casualties show at Cafe Europa in Brooklyn, NYC on Saturday 9/19/09. I mean, I literally postpone a couple of trips to catch one of my all time favorite hard core bands the Casualties. I just bought their recent CD off i-tunes “We are all we have” and […]
My trip to Guatemala City, Guatemala was awesome. Here’s the legendary Hector and mi amigos from Warning the night before the big show playing their song “Punks Never Die’. It was intense.