Raw Travel’s “My Summer in Ukraine” Documentary Streaming Now
In the summer of 2023, Raw Travel producer and host Robert G. Rose embarks on a poignant and inspiring journey to Ukraine.
In the summer of 2023, Raw Travel producer and host Robert G. Rose embarks on a poignant and inspiring journey to Ukraine.
SUBHUMANS I’ve hit more than my fair share of punk rock shows in New York City, so I’d like to share a few pics and videos. First up, legendary UK punk, the Subhumans, hit The Meadows at the Brooklyn Monarch in NYC to kick things off. One of the things that always strikes me about […]
I recently attended the documentary film screening of “Scream of My Blood: A Gogol Bordello Story” at the National Arts Club in Gramercy of New York City. The film produced by Vice News drew me. Still, I was further incentivized by the fact that Eugene Hutz and a couple of members of G.B. would be there […]
When I first heard DakhaBrakha from Ukraine, I was in Los Angeles, driving in my car and listening to NPR (National Public Radio). I was mesmerized by the ethereal, folkloric, timeless sound of their music, even more so because I had visited Ukraine in 2012. Later, in 2019, I’d revisit Ukraine to film. I’d meet and film […]
Ignorance… you’re on notice, we’re coming for your ass.
When Anti-Flag made their way through NYC in October of 2019, I had the pleasure of seeing Justin Sane & Chris 2 play an acoustic set at Looney Tunes Records in Long Island. The next day, just before their show at the Mercury Lounge in the Lower East Side, I interviewed Pat Thetic and Justin […]
A few months ago, I had the opportunity and pleasure of interviewing legendary, socially-conscious rockers, Anti-Flag. The Pittsburgh, PA-based band was making its way through New York City to perform a meet-n-greet and acoustic set at Looney Tunes Records in Long Island. The following evening, they would play a full-fledged concert at Mercury Lounge in the East Village. I remember […]
My talented pal Laura Rebel Angel (the hardest working lady in rockabilly AND psychoabilly) and her band the Screamin’ Rebel Angels are back with a brand new music video “Oh! My Soul” that she directed herself. Love this song and this video and I think you will too. Check it and give Laura & team a […]
Though I was not that familiar with Richie Ramone’s tenure as drummer for the Ramones (1983-1987), I was curious enough to head over to Bowery Electric the other night, and I was not the only one. It was a mixed bag of opening bands, from melodic, punk Ramone’s like emo (The Young Rochelles) to straight […]
Before Sunday night’s concert at Gramercy Theatre in NYC, I didn’t know much about Stiff Little Fingers other than the following: They are legendary (they’ve been playing since the late 70s and this was their 40th Anniversary Tour) They are from Ireland which was a tough place to be from in the 70s. Their name […]
My pal Eric Fliegelman from Philly knows a thing or two about punk and underground music, so when he gave me the heads up that some buddies of his from the Nebraska band “St. Christopher Webster” were playing in NYC, it was a no brainer to go check them out. But when he sent me […]
First of all I’d like to thank everyone who supported us during our 1st season of Raw Travel. There are too many folks to thank individually but without their help, we’d never be where we are. And where are we exactly? Well, in just about every major city in the United States effective with our […]
Ask any punk who has visited NYC in the last 5, 10 or 15 years and chances are they stopped by ABC No Rio, New York City’s new reigning champion for punk music in the big apple since CBGB’s much publicized demise. We wanted to show them a little well deserved love so we were […]
I’ve got lots to report on our taping of Raw Travel – Underground NYC. Basically we spent all last week trolling around the East Village, LES, Williamsburg & Coney Island getting good old look at the punk & underground scenes still very much in existence in the Big Ole Apple. Fear not my friends, punk […]
French Canadian Punk? Of course it exist… does that surprise you? Didn’t think so. Check these guys “Action Sedition” from “Rebel Time Records” out HERE. And do any of you remember the Virtual Punk Tour of NYC? I blogged about HERE a couple years ago. Well, it’s coming to life in a couple weeks when […]
What is it about the U.S. that sometimes brings out the worst in people. There is such a violent culture and mental health crisis in our country that news like this barely made the front page of the newspapers in NYC (one of the safest big cities in the U.S.) as there was another more […]
Psychobilly promoter and all around cool cat (kitten?) Laura Rebel Angel has gone from promoting the best psychobilly/rockabilly events in NYC to fronting her own band, the “Screamin’ Rebel Angels” to which I ask “What took you so long?”. As per the norm with Laura, it’s 1st class all the way. The lady can […]
Here is something we don’t present often enough, punk inspired humor. I love NYC and I love Saturday Night Live (SNL), I will not lie. It’s one of the few shows on TV I try to catch religiously. When Margaret Thatcher died, SNL took full advantage and presented a fake band “The Bizarros” in a […]
Anybody miss CBGBs in NYC besides me?
I moved to Los Angeles for a variety of reasons, not the least of which was the kick ass, legendary rock music. What NYC is to hip-hop, Los Angeles is to rock music. In NYC there was no longer not even one decent rock-n-roll radio station and in Los Angeles there are at least 4 […]